Monday 12 May 2025

South Lawn Hotel, Lymington Road, Milford on Sea , SO41 0RF

Monthly Meeting

Malcolm Wells MBE -   So Far So Good 

Malcolm's talks are fast moving, informative and entertaining. He has a wealth of funny stories, including the occasion they played the wrong national anthem on a state occasion, another when he was mistaken for a member of the royal household. 

The title of Malcom's talk today is ambiguous - it is in fact about his life, looking behind the scenes as a musician playing for State Occasions at Kensington and Buckingham palaces, his service as a medic in the Gulf War and being a national speaker for Canine Partners, a UK charity that trains assistance dogs for persons with disabilities.

Malcolm served as an Army musician for 24 years and as a medical assistant in the first gulf war. In retirement he worked as national speaker for the charity Canine Partners. He is currently fundraising for the charity Literacy in a Box, which sends educational materials to a school in Zambia.