Monday 14 July 2025

South Lawn Hotel, Lymington Road, Milford on Sea , SO41 0RF

Monthly Meeting

John Ellis - The History of the Motor Car: Part III

Our speaker today is John Ellis and he follows up his visit to us in November last year.  His subject remains 'The History of the Motor Car'.  John continued the story of the development of the Motor Car from the 1920's  forward to the 1960's -  the period of "Adolescence".

Today's talk is about the car’s having reached maturity.  He details developments from the 1960’s to the present day covering both advances in design and manufacturing.

John founded and ran his own Engineering Company designing and manufacturing machinery for the plastics industry.  A large portion of his sales went into the Automotive Industry, mainly in Europe and the USA.

Havng sold his business, John retired and decided to live permanently in the New Forest.  His lifelong interest in Motor Cars led him to become a life Member and Volunteer at the Beaulieu Motor Museum.  Based on the Information Desk, John also gives guided tours specialising in the earlier aspects of car design, development and its social impact.