Wednesday 26th February

Members of the Lentune Probus and the Lentune Probus Ladies clubs are invited to compete for our clubs' highly prestigious Skittles Trophy, at the annual Skittles Competition to be held at The Huntsman of Brockenhurst, on Wednesday 26th February 2025 commencing at 5.30pm. Parking is available at the northern side of the Huntsman.

This fun, friendly but competitive event allows up to 30 members to play three rounds of full-size skittles and enjoy a convivial supper together. The Cup is awarded to the club member who knocks-down the most pins and is retained by them for one year.

Further information may be obtained from organiser Pauline Lightbody or referee Rob Perkins.


Please book your place and menu choice in the Members Area of the Club website. Places are limited so early booking is recommended. 

Please make your payment no later than 12th February 2025.


Cost of the evening, excluding bar drinks, is £19.00 per person (or £19.50pp if paid by cheque or credit card). All payments should be made to the Lentune Ladies Club.

Payment by BACS is preferred - Ladies Club bank details are in the Members Area.

If you are unable to pay by card at a club meeting, please send your cheque for the appropriate amount, payable to "Lentune Probus Ladies Club", to Pauline Lightbody at 50 Southampton Road, Lymington, SO41 4GQ no later than 12th February 2025.