Lentune Probus Club enjoyed a fascinating and intricately researched talk from Richard Hutley on the evidence for and against the existence of this almost mythical creature in the forests of North America. Ignoring conspiracy theories Richard presented a pretty convincing case for the  big ape supported by many photos and videos (albeit many quite distant), evidence of giant footprints and the surprising support of such luminaries as Dr Jane Goodall and Sir Richard Attenborough.

He made the point that as well as there already being a number of convincing sightings the unexplored areas of forest in North America are simply vast providing the ideal habitat for Bigfoot to breed and raise families undisturbed, again supported by photographic evidence. For those sceptics amongst us it was pointed out that Mountain Gorillas were only discovered in 1902 and that a new sub species of Orangutang was first seen in 2017, whilst all the First Nation tribes historically had names for the creature.

Despite Richard's even handed approach it seems that many members were left fairly convinced that this mysterious creature still roams the American wilderness.

Following the talk we all enjoyed a convivial lunch getting to know our guests and new members.

Our next meeting is on October 14th at the South Lawn Hotel, if you would like to join us please call our Secertary Basil Jefferies on 07849 045127 or Chairman David Newnham 01590 642124.