In the 1990 movie 'Home Alone' 8 year old Kevin, accidentally left behind when his parents depart hurriedly for a family holiday, protects their home from two very determined burglars.

Club members, confined to their home as a result of coronavirus self-isolation, don't have to deal with burglars. We may however have to cope with loneliness, even depression, denied face to face contact with family and friends.

So here are some ways to cope with (and even benefit from) being stuck at home:

  1. Focus on the short term and be grateful for what you have and can do now.
  2. Plan each day. List some achievable tasks and tick them off as you go.
  3. Keep fit. Go for a walk if you can and consider one of the exercise regimes on the internet.
  4. Communicate regularly with family and friends, by phone or social media (eg. FaceTimeSkype or Zoom).
  5. Be creative and do things you have been meaning to do for a long time, but never got around to: reorganising part of your garden, writing up what life was like when you were young (your grandchildren would love to know), or researching your family tree.
  6. Share your thoughts with others, by contributing to Members News in the club website.
  7. Re-read your favourite books (when did you last open Wind in the Willows/Christmas Carol/Coasting?)
  8. After you have done all that, watch the telly!

And remember always to keep David Bayliss, our Almoner, informed of members who are unwell. David can be contacted on 01425 638154 or at