The men's club speaker today was Alan Jones, whose diverse career has made him an excellent raconteur on the subject of the human body, ably assisted by Bill, a skeleton.

After 5000 years of humanity there are so many unanswered questions.  The club was treated to a host of revelations concerning the amazing machines that are our bodies.

Starting with our skeletal structure, and how it has developed and changed since the first Great Apes, followed by how multiple muscles control movement etc. we moved on to the complex relationships of parts of our bodies with our brains.  Amusing diversions such as the multiple periods when body snatchers provided the necessary materials for Leonardo Da Vinci to dissect cadavers then draw the anatomical features which inspired his art, followed by surgeons throughout the centuries who needed to improve their skills.

Ultimately, it all came back to how the brain controls our nervous system and senses.  We all have a good feel for how the brain follows our conscious desires…….think raising an arm grasping a pint of beer.  Few of us have thought about the huge number of involuntary, essential actions needed…….think breathing.

Alan’s detailed explanations were indeed a tour de force.   Many thanks