At our July meeting at South Lawn Hotel, Lentune Probus Club members enjoyed a fascinating and detailed description of events leading up to the Franco-Prussian War, culminating in the Battle of Sedan where Bismark's far superior army defeated the poorly led French forces under Napoleon 111, eventually ending up in Paris in 1871.

Retired soldier and military historian Lt Colonel James Porter described how a perceived threat from France and Spain led to the unification of the disperate German states to form a formidable united Germany.

It was not difficult to see how the events of this often forgotten war laid the foundations for not only World War 1 but eventually the Second World War and how little was learned from its consequences.

At our next meeting on September 9th we are going to  learn all about the International Space Station and guests are very welcome to join us. If you would like to please call our Secretary Basil Jefferies on 07849 045127 or Chairman David Newnham on 01590 642124.