Lentune Probus Ladies hosted our club’s annual skittles event at The Huntsman, Brockenhurst last night. Attendance was a little down on previous years but the competition was as intense as ever, as couples competed against each other, our Ladies’ Club competed against the Mens’ Club and everyone strove to be the absolute winner.
The competition started promptly at 5.30pm with Ian Morley taking an early lead, which he retained into the third round.
Refreshments were then served (fish and chips, Cumberland sausage or a choice of burgers, accompanied by chips, peas and a variety of sauces).
Thus refreshed, members commenced the final round, determined to deprive Ian of victory. They failed and he was duly awarded the prestigious Lentune Probus Skittles Cup by Ladies Chairman Judy Basham.
The wooden spoon this year went to David Codling.
Thanks are due to Pauline Lightbody and Rob Perkins for organising and refereeing this most enjoyable event.