Lentune Probus Ladies Club met today and enjoyed a fascinating and instructive talk. 

Alan Jones has previously given us excellent talks and this was no exception. Most of us seemed to have dieted in the past, but with limited success 

Alan told us so many amazing facts that the following list might whet your appetite. 

Victorians’ tape worm diet, cotton wool diet, 16 jars of baby food a day, chewing food 50 times then spitting it out, cabbage diet, injecting Ozempic – the latest thing to try. The there’s exercise – chest expanders, vibrating the fat away, rubber knickers and sauna suits. The very strict World War 2 rationing actually provided a healthy diet. These days people are addicted to salt, fat and sugar as they provide a release of dopamine, the feel-good hormone. 

Food also has an emotional meaning, and we eat when we are bored, lonely or need a reward. 

Today, we have no idea of real hunger and it’s interesting to realise that babies refuse food, and children often leave food on their plate, whilst adults encourage children to finish up their meal. 

Alan had a 5 litre bottle of water to illustrate how heavy 10 lbs feels, and he explained how we are very careful of our car engine when we choose what fuel to put in, but not so careful of our bodies. We need to change our perception of food and dieting. Perhaps doctors are too polite to tell us that we are overweight, or too fat! We must be more adult and take responsibility. 

 With some trepidation we then advanced towards our lunch! Was there too much salt, or fat, and did we really need the delicious pear and rhubarb frangipane tart. It was much enjoyed though and people chatted about the talk and caught up with old friends. 


Lentune Ladies Probus Club invites membership applications from ladies who would like to share our lively, fun, interesting meetings and social events. Contact Pauline Lightbody, Club Secretary on 07900 576752 for details.