Lentune Probus enjoyed an excellent talk today entitled "Adolescence", from retired engineer John Ellis. Having told us about the very early days of motoring at a previous meeting, John continnued his theme broadly bringing us from about 1920 up to the arrival of the much loved but disastrously loss making original Mini in 1959. His talk was richly illustrated with design drawings and photographs with vivid descriptions of many of the characters involved in the early development of motoring. 

John brought to life names which we often now think of simply as cars but were, of course, very real people, Benz, Ford,Citroen, Daimler, Morris and Dodge to name but a few. Some forward thinking and highly practical and others who were perhaps not so and whose marques are now simply history.

Following questions we then then retired to the bar before enjoying a convivial lunch with our guests.